时间:2022-10-13 11:08 来源:未知 作者:admin 阅读:次
减材后处理的加工时间直观体现配准效果对加工效率的影响。鉴于实际加工过程中装夹、定位、换刀等辅助加工时间会影响实际有效加工时长的统计,故本文采用PowerMill仿真软件对比了案例余量优化前后有效加工时长(包括进刀、退刀及铣削加工时间)。减材加工采用PowerMill叶片加工策略,粗加工至余量2 mm,并以粗加工时间表征优化前后加工效率。减材加工参数设置如表4所示。配准后模型粗加工相比配准前少加工两道,时间缩短64 min 10 s,可见减材加工效率大幅度提高。
表4 PowerMill铣削粗加工仿真参数设置

2.4 验证分析
2.4.1 不同检测方案对余量优化影响

图15 对比组余量优化结果

图16 对比组余量云图

图17 对比组余量统计直方图
表5显示,相对于波谷实验组,波峰对比组余量均值dave增大0.3 mm,dmax增大0.89 mm。显然,波谷测点构建的外轮廓体积比波峰测点小。采用波峰处最大外轮廓配准,可能造成配准后局部区域实际加工余量为零或负余量,导致毛坯报废。另外,对比组S2值大于实验组S2值,说明对比组测点余量均匀性差。根据实际成形效果观测,制造凸起类缺陷(如局部黏附粉末、球化等)集中在波峰处。该类缺陷严重影响真实轮廓构建精度,进而影响余量优化结果。图18显示了DED毛坯上述缺陷。由于波峰处测点构建毛坯外轮廓更大,故理论粗加工多一道,时间增长31 min 28 s,实际最外层铣削仅接触波峰与凸起类缺陷处,存在大量空刀路。因此,波谷处构建的截面线不仅能精确反映最小外轮廓,且可减少制造缺陷引起的非真实轮廓测点数量,更适用于减材余量优化。
表5 不同在机检测方案余量统计结果

图18 激光定向沉积制造精度
2.4.2 不同配准方法对余量优化的影响为进一步验证本文所提余量优化算法的准确性,本节对比GAO等[16]提出的基于遗传算法(genetic algorithm,GA)的加工余量优化方法。该方法综合考虑了定位、均匀及外包络原则,目标函数统一为
min fGA=alg(efix(R,T)+bexp(S2(R,T)+

图19 GA余量优化方法余量优化结果

图20 GA余量优化方法余量云图
mm、最大值为6.02 mm、最小值为0.84 mm、方差值为1.69。对比本文所提方法,平均余量仅相差0.06 mm,但最大余量增加0.19
图21 GA配准方法余量统计直方图
表6 GA余量优化方法配准结果

3 结论
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Subtractive Post-machining Allowance Optimization Considering Characteristics of DEDs
HOU Liang GUO Jing CHEN Yun YE Chao XU Yang ZOU Jiahao
Department of Mechanical and Electric Engineering,Xiamen University,Xiamen,Fujian,361005
Abstract: Complex free-form parts manufactured by DED had problems of uneven allowance distributions and severe stair-case effects. In order to optimize allowances for subtractive post-machining, a dynamic point cloud registration method using the mid-surface points of the deposited and theoretical parts was proposed to optimize the machining allowances, which took into consideration characteristics of the DED parts. Firstly, the section line of the minimum outer envelope of deposited complex free-form parts was constructed according to the deposition scanning path, and was used for obtaining the point cloud of the on-machine measurement. Secondly, the mid-surface points of the deposited and theoretical parts were extracted, and an iterative closest point with dynamic weights considering the multi-region allowance requirements was proposed to optimize the machining allowances. The feasibility of the algorithm was verified by two simple cases. Finally, a free-form blade of a centrifugal impeller was selected as a complex case for allowance optimization. The proposed method was also compared with the method for multi-region allowance using genetic algorithm. The results show that the proposed allowance optimization method is more accurate and efficient for rapid optimization of machining allowances for DED manufactured complex curved parts.
Key words: directed energy deposition(DED); allowance optimization; on-machine measurement; dynamic registration; stair-case effect
作者简介:侯 亮,男,1974年生,教授、博士研究生导师。研究方向为大批量个性化定制和增减复合制造等。发表论文197篇。E-mail:hliang@xmu.edu.cn。陈 云(通信作者),女,1987年生,助理教授。研究方向为增减复合制造、难加工材料切削机理、精密检测等。发表论文21篇。E-mail:yun.chen@xmu.edu.cn。