时间:2023-08-23 11:17 来源:i学术i科研 作者:admin 阅读:次
难熔金属具有耐高温、耐腐蚀和机械强度优异等优点,可用于高温电子设备,但其熔化温度高、加工性差,给制造带来了挑战。清华大学臧浠凝&胡楚雄&汪泽教授团队报告了一种直接墨水书写和焦油介导激光烧结(DIW-TMLS)技术,用于制造高温应用中的3D耐火金属器件。利用煤焦油作为粘合剂,设计出了具有高粘度和更强光吸收性的金属油墨。打印出的图案在环境中使用低功率(<10 W)激光烧结成无氧化的多孔金属结构,只需一个步骤就能快速制造出独立的三维结构。本文介绍了几种应用,包括基于分形图案的应变计、在半球上图案化的电子小天线(ESA)以及工作温度高达 350℃并能承受火焰灼烧的无线温度传感器。DIW-TMLS 技术为各种金属材料的快速图案化铺平了一条可行的道路,它具有广泛的适用性、高灵活性和三维适形性,拓展了恶劣环境传感器的可能性。相关研究以“Printing Three-Dimensional Refractory Metal Patterns in Ambient Air: Toward High Temperature Sensors”为题发表在Advanced Science期刊上。
总之,作者提出了一种DIW-TMLS技术,用于在环境大气中快速制备金属导电图案的3D技术。通过将焦油作为粘结剂,开发了具有增强光吸收和抗氧化性能的粘性金属油墨。铜和钼基油墨都可以用功率小于10 W的红外激光在环境空气中不烧结,比选择性激光烧结所需的低近2个数量级。从烧结机理的形态、组成和电学性能等方面进行了研究。在优化的激光参数下,烧结钼型的电阻率达到与大块金属的电阻率相同的数量级。演示了一种基于分形模式的应变仪和保形半球形天线,验证了DIW-TMLS的高灵活性和广泛的适用性。此外,通过同时实现打印和激光烧结,可以创建三维独立架构。最后,开发了一种基于钼模式的无线温度传感器,它能够在高达350°C的高温下运行和持久的燃烧环境下运行。所提出的DIW-TMLS技术突破了耐火金属的加工极限,为高温传感器的快速成型提供了一条可行的途径。
Printing Three-Dimensional Refractory Metal Patterns in Ambient Air: Toward High Temperature Sensors
难熔金属具有耐高温、耐腐蚀和机械强度优异等优点,可用于高温电子设备,但其熔化温度高、加工性差,给制造带来了挑战。清华大学臧浠凝&胡楚雄&汪泽教授团队报告了一种直接墨水书写和焦油介导激光烧结(DIW-TMLS)技术,用于制造高温应用中的3D耐火金属器件。利用煤焦油作为粘合剂,设计出了具有高粘度和更强光吸收性的金属油墨。打印出的图案在环境中使用低功率(<10 W)激光烧结成无氧化的多孔金属结构,只需一个步骤就能快速制造出独立的三维结构。本文介绍了几种应用,包括基于分形图案的应变计、在半球上图案化的电子小天线(ESA)以及工作温度高达 350℃并能承受火焰灼烧的无线温度传感器。DIW-TMLS 技术为各种金属材料的快速图案化铺平了一条可行的道路,它具有广泛的适用性、高灵活性和三维适形性,拓展了恶劣环境传感器的可能性。相关研究以“Printing Three-Dimensional Refractory Metal Patterns in Ambient Air: Toward High Temperature Sensors”为题发表在Advanced Science期刊上。

Figure 1. a) Schematic illustration of direct
ink writing and tar-mediated laser sintering (DIW-TMLS). Photographs
showing the b) printing and c) laser sintering processes of a conformal
spiral pattern on a ceramic hemisphere. d) Schematic of a wireless
sensor based on refractory metal pattern operating in high-temperature

Figure 2. Characterization of the metal-tar
inks. a) Comparison of absorption spectrum between metal-tar inks and
pure metal powders. b) Apparent viscosity as a function of shear rate
showing the shear-thinning behavior. c) Storage modulus (G’) and loss
modulus (G’’) as functions of shear stress showing the yield behavior.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical images of the printed d)
Mo-tar and e) Cu-tar filaments shows high printing resolution.
Three-dimensional (3D) surface profiles and cross-section views of the
printed f) Mo-tar and g) Cu-tar filaments.

Figure 3. Effects of laser scanning parameters
on microstructures, phases, and electrical conductivity of the sintered
pattern. a) Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical images of
the sintered Cu-tar filaments under different laser powers and scanning
rates. Scale bar: 10 μm. b) X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of the
sintered Cu-tar filaments under different laser parameters. Each curve
corresponds to a subgraph in (a). c) Variation of resistivity of the
sintered Cu-tar pattern with laser power and scanning rate. d–f) SEM and
optical images (Scale bar: 20 μm), X-ray diffraction (XRD)patterns, and
resistivity of sintered Mo-tar filaments under different laser

Figure 4. Metallic patterns fabricated by
direct ink writing and tar-mediated laser sintering (DIW-TMLS) using
Cu-tar ink for various applications. a)Photograph of a fractal
pattern-based strain gauge printed on an anodized aluminum substrate. b)
Schematic of three-point bending test for the strain gauge. c)
Resistance change of the strain gauge in response to the cyclic flexural
strain. d) Photograph of a conformal spiral antenna printed on a quartz
glass hemispherical substrate. e) Simulated and measured reflection
coefficient (S11) of the hemispherical antenna. f) Key performance
indexes of the hemispherical antenna. g) Schematic of creating
self-supported 3D structures by mid-air sintering. h) Photographs
showing the printing process of a freestanding helical structure.

Figure 5. Molybdenum pattern-based wireless
high-temperature sensor. a) Photograph of the temperature sensor with a
split-ring resonator (SRR)pattern printed on ceramic substrate. b)
Schematic showing the charge distribution in the metal rings under
excitation of polarized electromagnetic waves. c) Schematic of wireless
temperature sensing. d) Equivalent circuit of the wireless sensing
system. e) Measured reflection coefficient (S11) spectra at different
temperatures. f) Variation of the resonant frequency of the sensor with
respect to temperature. g) Fire resistance testing of the sensor. The
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images show no significant change in
the surface morphology after accumulated 30 s of flame treatment.
总之,作者提出了一种DIW-TMLS技术,用于在环境大气中快速制备金属导电图案的3D技术。通过将焦油作为粘结剂,开发了具有增强光吸收和抗氧化性能的粘性金属油墨。铜和钼基油墨都可以用功率小于10 W的红外激光在环境空气中不烧结,比选择性激光烧结所需的低近2个数量级。从烧结机理的形态、组成和电学性能等方面进行了研究。在优化的激光参数下,烧结钼型的电阻率达到与大块金属的电阻率相同的数量级。演示了一种基于分形模式的应变仪和保形半球形天线,验证了DIW-TMLS的高灵活性和广泛的适用性。此外,通过同时实现打印和激光烧结,可以创建三维独立架构。最后,开发了一种基于钼模式的无线温度传感器,它能够在高达350°C的高温下运行和持久的燃烧环境下运行。所提出的DIW-TMLS技术突破了耐火金属的加工极限,为高温传感器的快速成型提供了一条可行的途径。
Printing Three-Dimensional Refractory Metal Patterns in Ambient Air: Toward High Temperature Sensors